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Which payment processor to choose between WooCommerce Payments and Stripe?

Which payment processor to choose between WooCommerce Payments and Stripe?

Temps de lecture : 5 minutes

When choosing between WooCommerce and Stripe, there are a number of criteria to consider. As a key instrument in the checkout process, the payment processor is an essential element of your site. In this article, we explain everything you need to know to choose between WooCommerce and Stripe.

Our opinion on WooCommerce Payments vs Stripe in a nutshell

Stripe and WooCommerce are two well-known and reliable payment platforms. Stripe has a certain advantage, particularly in terms of versatility and geographical availability. For a flexible payment platform specifically tailored to SMEs, Hero Checkout is even more suitable.

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What exactly is WooCommerce Payments?

WooCommerce payments is WooCommerce's native payment gateway . If you're using WordPress or WooCommerce, you can easily integrate it into your online store, as WooCommerce is an extension of the WordPress CMS. If you use the latter, you won't have to pay any additional license fees.

What exactly is Stripe?

Stripe is a payment gateway, one of the most popular with 68% of American e-commerce sites The processor features a suite of APIs, enabling it to integrate with various e-commerce platforms, including WooCommerce.

It is especially appreciated for ease of use . Its API system, however, makes it more developer-oriented. A minimum of technical knowledge is required to fully exploit its potential.

The main features of WooCommerce Payments and Stripe

To compare these two payment solutions, let's start by comparing their main features.

Accepted payment methods

Stripe and WooCommerce allow you to accept most of the credit and debit cards . Both platforms are equipped to accept global payments.

Ease of use

Both platforms are fairly easy to use. Ease of use is an essential element when choosing a payment gateway for your online store. Customers need to be assured of optimal payment experience .

Stripe enables customers to make payments without having to leave your site. Customers are therefore not redirected to a third-party payment page when they make their payment. This is an undeniable advantage, as it reduces shopping cart abandonment.

Its ease of use makes it popular with users of online payment gateways. On the other hand, a minimum of development skills is required to take full advantage of its potential.

With WooCommerce payments, you can track and manage your payments from your WordPress dashboard. You also have access to various parameters such as submitting refunds or responding to chargebacks.


Stripe is an independent, versatile payment gateway. It integrates with most e-commerce platforms, including WooCommerce.

WooCommerce payments is a plugin that integrates into the WooCommerce ecosystem, along with other platform extensions. WooCommerce allows you to create a complete online store.

Processing time

This refers to the time it takes for the funds to arrive in your bank account.

In the case of WooCommerce payments, each transaction must pass through two stages:

  • The waiting period. This is the period during which the funds are kept. Its duration depends on the country.

  • Filing schedule. This indicates when the funds will be released and transferred to your bank account.

On average, this process takes between 2 and 7 days.

New accounts must also comply with an additional 7 days before following this process.

For Stripe, the average delay is 3 days.

In both cases, you can opt for instant payment for immediate transfer of funds. Available 24/7, this service is only available in certain countries.

However, if you need cash fast, Hero is the solution for instant cash.

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WooCommerce Payments and Stripe feature comparison chart

Here is a table summarizing the functionalities of the two payment gateways:

Features Stripe WooCommerce payments
Payment methods All popular payment methods All popular payment methods
Customer interfaces Developer-oriented Easy and complete integration with WordPress
Third-party integrations Broader integration possibilities Integration with WooCommerce and WordPress.
Geographical availability Available in 46 countries AND Supports 135 currencies Available in 38 countries AND Supports over 135 currencies

Stripe vs WooCommerce Payments: price comparison

The two platforms are free to install. Likewise, no subscription is required with either, and only transaction fees are charged. Comparing Stripe and WooCommerce on the basis of cost may not work. Both platforms charge 1.5% of the transaction amount, plus a fixed charge of 0.25 euros.

WooCommerce has a slight advantage for international payments, with a rate of 2% compared with 3.25% for Stripe.

Stripe and WooCommerce Payments price comparison chart

Method of payment WooCommerce Payments Stripe
European credit card (Visa and Mastercard) 1.5 % +0.25 euros 1,5 % + 0,25 €
Carte bancaire internationale (Visa, Mastercard et American Express) 2 % + 0.30 euros 2.5% + €0.25 for UK cards OR 3.25% + €0.25 for international cards + 2% fee for currency conversion
Exchange rates 2 % 2 %
Chargeback costs 15 euros 15 euros
Litigation costs in Europe 15 euros (reimbursed if you win your case) Gratuit

Stripe vs WooCommerce Payments: which has the best customer service?

Stripe certainly has the best customer service. Support is available 24/7. The platform also provides :

  • User guides ;

  • Articles on the most popular topics;

  • A chat room where you can chat with developers.

WooCommerce customer support includes :

  • FAQ;

  • A forum where you can chat with other users;

  • A contact form to fill in.

WooCommerce payments users can also contacter les experts WooCommerce and receive a reply within two days, free of charge.

TrustPilot user reviews speak for themselves in favor of Stripe customer service appreciated for its quality. WooCommerce payments is often singled out for criticism.

Which CMS and platforms can WooCommerce Payments and Stripe be integrated with?

WooCommerce is a plug-in designed specifically for WordPress. Stripe, on the other hand, integrates with any CMS.

What do they have in common and what are their differences?

Here are the similarities and differences between Stripe and WooCommerce payments :

Common ground

Stripe and WooCommerce payments have a lot in common:

  • Accepted payment methods The two platforms are quite similar in this respect.

  • The two platforms optimize conversion rates of your online store by allowing customers to pay without being redirected to a third-party page.


Despite the many similarities between the two platforms, there are a number of differences:

  • Geographical availability. Stripe is available in 46 countries and regions of the world. It also handles 135 currencies, compared with around 100 for WooCommerce payments. The latter is only available in 38 countries.

  • Target difference . Stripe can handle large volumes of transactions. It's a solution for large companies. WooCommerce is aimed more at small and medium-sized businesses, although it is still possible to make large payments.

  • Integration possibilities. Stripe's robust API makes it easy to integrate with a variety of applications. WooCommerce payments is a WordPress extension. The platform is therefore only accessible to WordPress and WooCommerce users.

  • Processing times . It takes an average of 3 days for funds to be available in your Stripe bank account. WooCommerce payments, on the other hand, take between 2 and 7 days.

The advantages of Stripe over WooCommerce Payments

Stripe has clear advantages over WooCommerce payments :

Greater geographical availability

Stripe is available in more countries than WooCommerce: 46 countries versus 38.

Greater versatility

Stripe integrates a with numerous CMS and online sales platforms. Unlike WooCommerce, which was designed specifically for WooCommerce and WordPress.

More accessible customer service

Stripe's customer service is available via several channels. What's more, the platform offers a wealth of free resources. It's this aspect that is generally highlighted by users on review sites.

WooCommerce, on the other hand, only provides support for after 2 days unless you find answers in the forum or FAQ.

The advantages of WooCommerce Payments over Stripe

WooCommerce also has a certain advantage.

Full WordPress integration

If you use WordPress, WooCommerce payments can be your best option.

The latter makes it possible to easy integration and convenient operation . You have complete control over your payment processes from the WordPress dashboard.

What's the alternative to Stripe and WooCommerce Payments?


Hero Checkout is a payment solution that combines the features of a payment gateway with factoring.

Your customers can then pay in instalments without you having to advance the funds. They arrive within 24 hours to your bank account.

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Alternatives to Woocommerce Payments and Stripe include :

  • Paypal ;

  • Mollie ;

  • Square.

In short, choosing an easy-to-use and intuitive payment gateway is a priority when you have an online store. Stripe and WooCommerce are the alternatives of choice, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Hero is also emerging as a solution with multiple advantages, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.

Écrit par

Valentin Orru

Head of growth
