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Mollie vs Stripe: which is the best payment processor?

Mollie vs Stripe: which is the best payment processor?

Temps de lecture : 5 minutes

Are you looking for a solution to accept online payments and are hesitating between Mollie and Stripe? Both platforms offer secure and efficient solutions, but also have significant differences. However, your choice depends on your needs and your budget. In this article, you'll find a detailed comparison to help you make your choice.

Our opinion on Mollie vs Stripe in a nutshell

Mollie and Stripe are both payment processors with their own specific advantages. However, Hero stands out as a more powerful alternative. Indeed, Hero combines more competitive pricing, easier integration and more personalized support. With its advanced features, Hero offers a better solution.

What exactly is Mollie?

Originally from the Netherlands, Mollie is positioned as a payment processor specially designed for SMEs. Its primary objective is to offer a simplified solution and an optimal user experience, whether for the buyer or the e-tailer.

Founded in Amsterdam in 2004 by Adriaan Mol, Mollie already had over 17,000 customers in the Netherlands within a few months of its launch. Its success has only continued to grow, with the solution boasting 200,000 active customers worldwide by 2022.

What exactly is Stripe?

Founded in 2010 by two brothers, Stripe is an online payment service that offers makes it easy to transfer money from your customer's credit card to your company's account . It can also be described as a bridge between your bank account and your e-commerce site.

In the space of a decade, Stripe has succeeded in establishing itself among digital giants such as Shopify, Amazon, Salesforce and Booking. The idea behind Stripe is simple: to make online transaction processing faster, easier and more secure. This ambition is reflected in the functionalities offered by the solution.

Stripe and Mollie's main features

Here are the main features of Stripe and Mollie, and how they compare:

Payment methods

Stripe and Mollie enable businesses to accept online payments by credit card, e-wallet, direct debit or bank transfer. Stripe and Mollie also offer multi-installment payment solutions, with Klarna for Mollie and Stripe Billing for Stripe. However, Mollie offers more local payment methods than Stripe, including iDEAL, Bancontact, SOFORT or Giropay. Stripe focuses more on global payment methods, such as Visa, Mastercard or PayPal.

Customer interfaces

Stripe propose Checkout a pre-configured payment form, modular user interface components, and a complete API to create your own payment. From Mollie also offers Checkout, a hosted payment page e, Components, integrated user interface elements and a simple API for integrating payment methods into your website.

Safety and compliance

Stripe and Mollie guarantee the security and compliance of online transactions. Stripe and Mollie use SSL encryption, tokenization of sensitive data, PCI-DSS Level 1 certification and dynamic 3D Secure. tools to combat fraud and manage disputes . Stripe offers Radar, a fraud detection system based on machine learning, and Mollie offers the 2nd Chance feature, which allows customers to retry a failed payment.

Comparison of Stripe and Mollie features


Features Stripe Mollie
Payment Methods Payment in instalments with Stripe Billing. Global payment (Visa, Mastercard, PayPal). Payment in instalments with Klarna. Local payment (iDEAL, Bancontact, SOFORT, Giropay).
Customer interfaces Checkout (pre-configured payment form) + Elements (modular user interface components) + Full API to create a customized payment form. Checkout (hosted payment page) + Components (integrated user interface elements) + Simple API for integrating payment methods.
Safety and Compliance SSL encryption, tokenization of sensitive data, PCI-DSS Level 1 certification, dynamic 3D Secure +. Radar (fraud detection based on machine learning). SSL encryption, tokenization of sensitive data, PCI-DSS Level 1 certification, dynamic 3D Secure +. Offers 2nd chance functionality (to restart a failed payment)

Mollie vs Stripe: price comparison

One of the criteria that sets them apart is the rate they charge for each successful transaction.

Mollie invoice:

  • 1.2% + €0.25 per successful transaction for French bankcards

  • 1.8% + €0.25 for European bankcards (Visa and Mastercard)

  • 2.8% + €0.25 for international bank cards (Visa, Mastercard et American Express)

  • Variable rates for other payment methods (e-wallet, direct debit, bank transfer, instalments with Klarna, etc.).

Stripe facture :

  • 1.4% + €0.25 per successful transaction for French and European bankcards (Visa and Mastercard)

  • 2.9% + €0.25 for international bank cards (Visa, Mastercard et American Express)

  • Variable rates for other payment methods (e-wallet, direct debit, bank transfer, payment in instalments with Stripe Billing, etc.).

We can therefore say that Stripe is slightly more expensive than Mollie . This is consistent with their respective targeting. Stripe targets a more international clientele, notably large multinationals. Mollie, on the other hand, targets SMEs.

Mollie and Stripe price comparison chart

Method of payment Mollie Stripe
French bank card 1,2 % + 0,25 € 1,4 % + 0,25 €
European credit card (Visa and Mastercard) 1,8 % + 0,25 € 1,4 % + 0,25 €
Carte bancaire internationale (Visa, Mastercard et American Express) 2,8 % + 0,25 € 2,9 % + 0,25 €
Electronic wallet (PayPal, Apple Pay...) Defined by the method used Defined by the method used
SEPA Direct Debit 0,6 % + 0,25 € N/A
Online SEPA transfer 0,25 € N/A
Pay in instalments with Klarna Varies by country N/A

Mollie vs Stripe: which has the best customer service?

Mollie has the advantage of offering customer service in french, c which may be more convenient for French-speaking users. Stripe offers customer service in English and Japanese only.

Stripe, on the other hand, has the advantage of offering more technical customer service, with a community forum and chat with developers. For its part, Mollie offers simpler customer service, with a dedicated account manager available by phone, email or chat.

In conclusion, both Mollie and Stripe have effective customer service, but they differ in language, level of technicality and accessibility. The choice between the two will therefore depend on your specific customer support preferences and priorities.

Which CMS and platforms can Stripe and Mollie be integrated with?

Here are some examples of the CMS and platforms with which each of these solutions integrates:

Stripe :

  • Shopify

  • WooCommerce (for WordPress)

  • Magento

  • BigCommerce

  • Squarespace

  • Wix

  • Drupal

  • PrestaShop

  • And many more via third-party plugins and integrations.

Mollie :

  • Shopify

  • WooCommerce (for WordPress)

  • Magento

  • OpenCart

  • PrestaShop

  • Drupal

  • Typo3

  • Lightspeed

  • Etc.

What do they have in common and what are their differences?

Here is a summary of their similarities and differences:

Common ground

They have the following points in common:

  • From fixed costs and commissions applied to each payment received

  • Free solutions to install

  • Integration with numerous CRMs

  • Respect for PCI-DSS standards including the 3D-Secure

  • A quick to learn and less than 15 minutes

  • Business management functions, including invoicing


Here are the main differences between Mollie and Stripe:

  • Supported payment methods. Mollie supports more local payment methods, while Stripe supports more global methods.

  • Transaction fees . Mollie has the advantage of slightly lower fees.

  • Payment customization. Stripe has an API that allows you to create a personalized payment form. Mollie does not.

  • Options for recurring payments . With Stripe, once the user has made a payment on the e-commerce site, they can make subsequent payments with a single click, without having to re-enter their bank details.

  • Solutions for different company sizes. Stripe is better suited to large multinational groups. Mollie, on the other hand, is aimed more at European SMEs.

  • Customer service. Stripe's customer support is more technical than Mollie's, which is simpler and available in French.

The advantages of Mollie over Stripe

Mollie has certain advantages over Stripe

Means of payment

Among the many means of payment, you'll find PayPal (€0.10 per transaction), used by millions of people worldwide. PayPal is an electronic wallet that enables customers to pay online without having to enter their bank details each time.

Customer service

With customer support available via their subsidiary based in France and reachable by phone, email or chat, Mollie has a French-language customer service department. This can be more practical for French-speaking users. Mollie's customer service is responsive and available by telephone from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

The advantages of Stripe over Mollie

Stripe has a number of advantages over Mollie:

+20 payment methods in 120 countries, 135 currencies and 30 languages

Stripe allows you to accept online payments from all over the world, thanks to more than 20 global payment methods or local, such as :

  • Visa

  • Mastercard

  • American Express

  • PayPal

  • iDEAL

  • Bancontact

  • Etc.

Very easy to integrate

Stripe lets you easily integrate payment methods into your website or mobile application, with free, ready-to-use plugins modular user interface components and a comprehensive API.

Integration of tools such as NetSuite, QuickBooks and CSV files

For better synchronization of your accounting: Stripe lets you synchronize your payment data with your accounting tools, such as NetSuite, QuickBooks or CSV files.

What's the alternative to Mollie and Stripe?

An interesting alternative to Mollie and Stripe is Hero.


Hero is distinguished by innovative approach to B2B online payments. The platform offers an intuitive interface and advanced features to simplify the payment process. With Hero, companies benefit from seamless integration, competitive costs and diversified care. It also lets you create and manage payment, billing, transfer and online banking products.

Hero also enables companies to make split payments, with immediate payment on the seller's side.

Request a customized quote

In conclusion, choosing between Mollie and Stripe depends on the specific needs of each company. Stripe is renowned for its seamless integration and global support, while Mollie stands out for its competitive pricing and flexibility. Finally, it's essential to weigh up the advantages of Mollie vs Stripe to determine which is best suited to your business.

Écrit par

Valentin Orru

Head of growth
